A Swiss Army knife for organizations that need to communicate why they matter

Nick Slater wearing a blue shirt, sitting in front of some trees

Notable roles:

  • Head of strategy, Grey Horse Communications

  • Managing editor, Current Affairs

  • Senior research consultant, Orb Media

  • Executive editor, cannabisMD

  • Online editor, Word Vietnam

I’m a writer and strategist and producer who specializes in doing the dirty work with panache. Here’s what I mean by that:

Writer: From magazine articles to e-commerce product pages to billboards near popular highways, I’ve done it all—and most of it has been very good.

Need a monthly newsletter or fresh website copy? I can write this for you, and people will remember your message. Need a speech or an op-ed? Ditto. Need a steady stream of social media posts that make you sound smart, dynamic, and/or funny?

Nothing would make me happier than writing such things for you, and then getting paid for it.

Strategist: What image does your organization want to have? Which audiences are most important for you to reach? Where are they, in both a literal and on-the-internet sense?

And then: how can they be persuaded that the actions you want them to take are actually in their best interests, too?

I enjoy helping pro-humanity people and organizations answer these questions.

Producer: This word is useful because it can be so versatile, and it’s annoying because it can be so vague.

I produce things like podcasts and events. I’ll plan the programming, secure the vendors, handle the guests, and manage the actual show.

Unfortunately I’m of little help with albums and screenplays.

Dirty work: All the invisible-yet-essential tasks for turning an idea into something tangible. Think building spreadsheets, formatting decks, editing graphics, or coordinating all the moving parts of a project.

Panache: A dash of spice to make it memorable.


  • I’m good at building trust with clients, partners, and stakeholders.

  • I know how to craft the right message and spread it via the right medium.

  • I have a nose for interesting stories and fun, effective ways to package them.

  • I’ve been growing audiences on various platform since before it was a respectable career path.